Meet your Coach

The Short Version

Obsessed with your potential! Today, Susan is coaching individuals and teams in transition to own their abilities, defeat imposter syndrome and and hone them to create impact. Whether from high school to college, college to career, or undecided to Heck Yeah - her mission is to help you own your strengths and aim them to create the future you want!

The Long Version

Like so many of us, Susan finished high school, went directly to college and started working. She just went to whatever next thing appeared and guess what? It was unfulfilling. So, she went back to grad school - choosing a path based on what other people suggested she was good at or should do. With that expensive degree, she then worked for over a decade in another field that was not the right fit. She may have continued doing that forever if someone hadn’t seen something in her and offered her a position that did serve her strengths and more importantly, provided a Clifton Strengths Assessment.

Susan likes to say that the assessment broke her wide open! It made so much sense! She could see with laser certainty the parts she had both loved and loathed in all of her previous roles. She could see how what she does instinctively can be honed and complemented with skill knowledge to become powerful. So Can You!

Today, Susan is coaching individuals and teams in transition to own their abilities, defeat imposter syndrome and and hone those strengths to create impact.